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Eric Liddell - Corazon de campeón
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Eric Liddell (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576588079
  • Product Code: 10087266
  • UPC: 88079
  • Dimensions: 6 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 32
  • Release Date: 18.05.2022
Purchase options
Retail price: £5.50
Your price: £5.50
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Amy Carmichael - La rescatadora de niños
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Amy Carmichael (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576587744
  • Product Code: 10087261
  • UPC: 87744
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 32
  • Release Date: 11.11.2022
Purchase options
Retail price: £6.99
Your price: £6.99
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Bethany Hamilton - Aventura sobre las olas
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Bethany Hamilton (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576587706
  • Product Code: 10087262
  • UPC: 87706
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 32
  • Release Date: 25.11.2014
Purchase options
Retail price: £5.50
Your price: £5.50
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C.S. Lewis - El Creador de Narnia
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

C.S. Lewis (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576585566
  • Product Code: 10087263
  • UPC: 85566
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 32
  • Release Date: 01.01.2013
Purchase options
Retail price: £5.50
Your price: £5.50
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Cameron Townsend - Semillas de vida
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Cameron Townsend (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576584781
  • Product Code: 10087264
  • UPC: 84781
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 32
  • Release Date: 01.01.2013
Purchase options
Retail price: £5.50
Your price: £5.50
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Corrie ten Boom - Una luz en las tinieblas
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Corrie ten Boom (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576588000
  • Product Code: 10087265
  • UPC: 88000
  • Dimensions: 6 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 32
  • Release Date: 01.01.2013
Purchase options
Retail price: £5.50
Your price: £5.50
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Doctores Klaus-Dieter & Martina John - Milagro En Peru
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Doctores Klaus-Dieter & Martina John (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576588703
  • Product Code: 10087267
  • UPC: 88703
  • Dimensions: 6 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 32
  • Release Date: 14.05.2018
Purchase options
Retail price: £5.50
Your price: £5.50
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Nick Vujicic - Sin Limites
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Nick Vujicic (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576587690
  • Product Code: 10087268
  • UPC: 87690
  • Dimensions: 6 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 32
  • Release Date: 01.04.2014
Purchase options
Retail price: £5.50
Your price: £5.50
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Laura Ingalls Wilder - Las aventuras en la pradera
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Laura Ingalls Wilder (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576588734
  • Product Code: 10087269
  • UPC: 88734
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 32
  • Release Date: 01.04.2014
Purchase options
Retail price: £5.50
Your price: £5.50
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Louis Zamperini - Superviviente y campeón
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Louis Zamperini (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576588062
  • Product Code: 10087270
  • UPC: 88062
  • Dimensions: 6 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 32
  • Release Date: 10.11.2014
Purchase options
Retail price: £5.50
Your price: £5.50
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Doctors Klaus-Dieter and Martina John
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Doctors Klaus-Dieter and Martina John (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576589885
  • Product Code: 10087196
  • UPC: 89885
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 32
  • Release Date: 14.05.2018
Purchase options
Retail price: £6.99
Your price: £6.99
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Laura Ingalls Wilder - A Little House Life
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Laura Ingalls Wilder (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781624860966
  • Product Code: 10087197
  • UPC: 60966
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 32
  • Release Date: 14.05.2018
Purchase options
Retail price: £6.99
Your price: £6.99
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Corrie Ten Boom - Shining in the Darkness
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Corrie Ten Boom (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576582312
  • Product Code: 466433
  • UPC: 82310
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 32
  • Release Date: 01.10.2002
Purchase options
Retail price: £7.99
Your price: £7.99
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Heroes For Young Readers Set (1-4)
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Heroes For Young Readers Set (1-4) (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576582596
  • Product Code: 466441
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Release Date: 10.07.2003
Purchase options
Retail price: £29.99
Your price: £29.99
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Hudson Taylor - Friend of China
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Hudson Taylor (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576582343
  • Product Code: 466474
  • UPC: 82345
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 34
  • Release Date: 01.05.2004
Purchase options
Retail price: £7.99
Your price: £7.99
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Lottie Moon - A Generous Offering
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Lottie Moon (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576582435
  • Product Code: 466482
  • UPC: 82434
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 36
  • Release Date: 01.10.2004
Purchase options
Retail price: £7.99
Your price: £7.99
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David Livingstone - Courageous Explorer
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

David Livingstone (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576582381
  • Product Code: 466490
  • UPC: 82388
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 34
  • Release Date: 01.10.2004
Purchase options
Retail price: £7.99
Your price: £7.99
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Betty Greene - Flying High
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Betty Greene (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576582398
  • Product Code: 466505
  • UPC: 82396
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 34
  • Release Date: 01.10.2004
Purchase options
Retail price: £7.99
Your price: £7.99
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Jonathan Goforth - Never Give Up
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Jonathan Goforth (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576582428
  • Product Code: 466513
  • UPC: 82426
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 36
  • Release Date: 01.10.2004
Purchase options
Retail price: £7.99
Your price: £7.99
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Cameron Townsend - Planting God's Word
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Cameron Townsend (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576582411
  • Product Code: 466521
  • UPC: 82418
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 34
  • Release Date: 01.10.2004
Purchase options
Retail price: £7.99
Your price: £7.99
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Loren Cunningham - Making God Known
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Loren Cunningham (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576584095
  • Product Code: 466538
  • UPC: 84097
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 36
  • Release Date: 01.05.2007
Purchase options
Retail price: £7.99
Your price: £7.99
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Meriwether Lewis - Journey Across America
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Meriwether Lewis (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781932096279
  • Product Code: 467057
  • UPC: 96272
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 36
  • Release Date: 01.05.2006
Purchase options
Retail price: £7.99
Your price: £7.99
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Heroes For Young Readers Set (5-8)
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Heroes For Young Readers Set (5-8) (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576584767
  • Product Code: 466546
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Release Date: 16.11.2007
Purchase options
Retail price: £29.99
Your price: £29.99
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George Washington - America's Patriot
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

George Washington (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781932096286
  • Product Code: 467065
  • UPC: 96280
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 36
  • Release Date: 01.10.2006
Purchase options
Retail price: £7.99
Your price: £7.99
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Brother Andrew - Taking Bibles to the World
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Brother Andrew (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576584132
  • Product Code: 466554
  • UPC: 84135
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 32
  • Release Date: 01.05.2008
Purchase options
Retail price: £7.99
Your price: £7.99
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Clara Barton - Courage to Serve
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Clara Barton (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781932096330
  • Product Code: 467073
  • UPC: 96337
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 35
  • Release Date: 01.10.2006
Purchase options
Retail price: £7.99
Your price: £7.99
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C.S. Lewis - The Man Who Gave Us Narnia
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

C.S. Lewis (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576584378
  • Product Code: 466562
  • UPC: 84378
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 34
  • Release Date: 01.05.2008
Purchase options
Retail price: £7.99
Your price: £7.99
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Daniel Boone - Bravery on the Frontier
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Daniel Boone (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781932096613
  • Product Code: 467081
  • UPC: 96613
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 36
  • Release Date: 01.05.2008
Purchase options
Retail price: £7.99
Your price: £7.99
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Heroes For Young Readers Set (9-12)
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

Heroes For Young Readers Set (9-12) (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781576587782
  • Product Code: 466570
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Release Date: 22.03.2009
Purchase options
Retail price: £29.99
Your price: £29.99
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George Washington Carver - America's Scientist
Pollard, Renee Taft Meloche

George Washington Carver (Hard Cover)
  • ISBN: 9781932096170
  • Product Code: 467098
  • UPC: 96175
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8 mm
  • Binding: Hard Cover
  • Number of pages: 36
  • Release Date: 12.06.2012
Purchase options
Retail price: £7.99
Your price: £7.99
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