On the information page for every product on our website, we display the stock on hand quantity in our warehouse. If it is on hand at the time your order is integrated with our dispatch system, your order will leave the warehouse the same day if ordered before 2 pm.
If an item is in stock with one of our suppliers then the stock availability on the product information page will show "stock available". These orders will usually be dispatched within 7 working days if the product is sourced from the UK. It could be 14 days if the product is sourced from the USA.
If a product shows as "out of stock" we currently don't have a date when we will receive new stock, we will try to get an estimated dispatch date for you as soon as possible.
As soon as any of the items on your order are available we will dispatch all or the available products on our order without delay.
On our order completion email to you, we will provide you with information on what products are being dispatched that day and what items will follow later. In some cases, we are unable to provide the exact delivery timeframe for certain products, but our customer service team may be able to provide further information by telephone or email.
If you have selected our free standard delivery service and we can dispatch your entire order, we will try to dispatch it in one parcel.
Delivery pricing
Our delivery prices are effective from November 10th 2017.
Free standard delivery on orders £10 and over.
Orders under £10, Standard Royal Mail - £2.50
Royal Mail First Class delivery: £3.50 for orders under £40
Royal Mail First Class delivery: £4.50 for orders of £40 or more
The Republic of Ireland (IE): £4.95 per order
European zone (excluding IE): basic cost - £4.99 plus £1.50 cost per item. (if the order is over 2 kg, our customer service team will contact you concerning extra freight costs).
Rest of the world - international delivery: £5.95 plus £3.95 per item. (if the order is over 2 kg, our customer service team will contact you concerning extra freight costs).
Where free delivery is mentioned, it applies to UK orders only.
Part deliveries
When you place your order, you may pay a single delivery charge which is based on the value of your order.
Sometimes, however, your order may be dispatched to you in a number of smaller deliveries when items within your order have different availability or when part of your order is temporarily out of stock. On these occasions, we want to get available items to you as soon as possible, rather than always wait for the whole order. There is no extra charge for these multiple deliveries.
Inside each delivery, you will find a delivery note or receipt which indicates the number of items that are included in your order.