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David Johnson

El sutil poder del abuso espiritual - Cómo reconocer y escapar de la manipulación espiritual y de la falsa autoridad dentro de la iglesia
David Johnson, J Vanvonderen

El sutil poder del abuso espiritual (Paperback)
  • ISBN: 9780829707557
  • Product Code: 10051126
  • Dimensions: 140 x 17 x 216 mm
  • Weight: 291.000kg
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Number of pages: 274
  • Release Date: 11.12.2010
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Print On Demand
Retail price: £9.99
Your price: £9.99
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The Subtle Power Of Spiritual Abuse - Recognizing and Escaping Spiritual Manipulation and False Spiritual Authority Within the Church
David Johnson, J Vanvonderen

The Subtle Power Of Spiritual Abuse (Paperback)
  • ISBN: 9780764201370
  • Product Code: 145772
  • Dimensions: 140 x 210 mm
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Number of pages: 240
  • Release Date: 01.10.2005
Purchase options
Retail price: £12.99
Your price: £12.99
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