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Giving Thanks for a Perfectly Imperfect Life

Giving Thanks for a Perfectly Imperfect Life


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Giving Thanks for a Perfectly Imperfect Life will dispel the worldly lie that perfection is (1) attainable or (2) desirable. As a recovering perfectionist, Michele Howe can speak from personal experience how damaging and paralyzing spending one's life in pursuit of perfection on any plane is to us spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Perfectionists believe they can control their relationships, lives, environments, as well as the people around them, when the Bible teaches us that only God is in control. True safety and inner peace come from submitting ourselves to the loving and sovereign control of God; not from our attempts to manipulate, maneuver, or massage circumstances to our liking. This book will help Christian readers see through the untruths of striving for perfection and find true contentment, rest, and peace by learning to love the imperfect in life as we watch God restore, redeem, and remake our lives according to his purpose and plan. Giving Thanks for a Perfectly Imperfect Life will address the most common life scenarios that perfectionists attempt to control. This resource will include twenty-five chapters composed of a Bible passage, a quotation, a real-life account, an essay focusing on the specific chapter topic, a take-away action thought, a prayer, and several suggestions for practical steps to offer thanks for our imperfect lives.
Hendrickson Publishers
ISBN: 9781683072935
Product Code: 10072758
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 160
Release Date: 01.08.2020
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