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Walk with Me

Walk with Me

Simple Principles for Everyday Disciplemaking



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Have we over complicated, over systematized, and over formalized making disciples? When our hearts are changed by Christ, it’s natural that we should want to help others come to know Him too. And while Scripture clearly sets forth how to do so, modern Western society has formalized, professionalized, and systemized disciplemaking to a point that it seems too complicated to practice. What happened to the simple, heart-to-heart ministries of the New Testament? In Walk with Me, you’ll return to the essential biblical practices that help people grow as Christ-followers in simple, slow, and deep ways. Learn how you can connect with your neighbors, coworkers, or anyone you want to reach with the Gospel in ways that are relational and Spirit-led. You’ll learn five Kingdom principles that will reshape how you can pass on the faith: • In heart-to-heart ways • By keeping it simple • By going slow • By building deep • By living on mission
ISBN: 9780802420299
Moody Publishers
Product Code: 10074426
133 x 9 x 203 mm
Weight: 186.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 160
Release Date: 02.03.2021
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