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Kitchen Table Devotions

Kitchen Table Devotions

Worshipping God from A-Z as a Family



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Experience the joy of worshipping God as a family. Discover how your home can become a house of worship with Kitchen Table Devotions: Worshipping God from A-Z as a Family. This 26-day devotional is a thoughtful but simple way for parents to creatively teach their children about the characteristics of the Lord. These devotions follow the letters of the alphabet so children of all ages can engage with the story, Scripture, and prayer of each devotion. Parents will feel empowered and equipped to lead their families in worship and learn practical guidance for how to make this special time part of your family’s consistent rhythm of life. So gather around the kitchen table, settle into the living room, or make space wherever your family enjoys being together, and delight in the beauty of worshipping the Lord together.
ISBN: 9780802420367
Moody Publishers
Product Code: 10074428
165 x 10 x 241 mm
Weight: 204.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 160
Release Date: 05.01.2021
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