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Navigating Tough Texts

Navigating Tough Texts

A Guide to Problem Passages in the New Testament



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A guide for reading and understanding difficult New Testament verses. While the core message of the New Testament is clear, there are often puzzling, alarming, or confusing things we encounter when we get into the details of the text. Murray J. Harris, veteran scholar and translator, is an ideal guide through these complicated passages. In Navigating Tough Texts, he clearly and concisely provides exegetical insights to over one hundred tricky New Testament verses that have implications for theology, apologetics, mission, and the Christian life. Navigating Tough Texts is an indispensable resource for pastors, students, and curious Christians who want to be better readers of the many important—and often confusing—New Testament passages.
ISBN: 9781683593959
Producer: Lexham Press
Product Code: 10074708
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 288
Release Date: 12.08.2020
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