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Hero of Christmas, The (Pack of 25)

Hero of Christmas, The (Pack of 25)



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Far more than just a baby in a manger, Jesus came to earth as a warrior prepared to do battle with humanity’s greatest enemy: Satan. In this tract, best-selling author and popular speaker Paul David Tripp shows that the Bible is a story that contrasts two events: the horrible moment when Adam and Eve gave in to the deception of the serpent and sinned in the garden of Eden and God’s magnificent response to the cry of the world in the birth of his one and only Son, who came to defeat Satan, sin, and death. Readers will join in celebrating the true hero of Christmas: Jesus, our great warrior.


Products » BOOKS » Tracts » Christmas
Products » BOOKS » Tracts » Christmas
ISBN: 9781682164099
Producer: Crossway
Product Code: 10075740
Binding: Pamphlet
Release Date: 31.05.2021
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