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Tipping the Scales, Leveraging Change, and Having it All



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Popular speaker and national bestselling author Touré Roberts presents a complete guide that informs, inspires, and teaches the critical discipline of learning to make the necessary spiritual, mental, relational, and even professional adjustments required to be the best version of yourselves in a world of constant change. Popular speaker and national bestselling author Touré Roberts presents a complete guide that informs, inspires, and teaches the critical discipline of learning to make the necessary spiritual, mental, relational, and even professional adjustments required to be the best version of yourselves in a world of constant change.
ISBN: 9780310359814
Producer: Zondervan
Product Code: 10076067
Dimensions: 140 x 213 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 208
Release Date: 10.12.2020
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