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Combat Prayers to Crush the Enemy

Combat Prayers to Crush the Enemy



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Satan prowls the earth unleashing his wicked spirits against all who call on the name of Christ. He wants to destroy as many as he can--and take us to hell with him. Now more than ever, the end-time Church must rise up and confront the devil head-on. In this handbook of militant prayers, evangelist John Ramirez helps you prepare for and move into advanced combat. He teaches you to · open your spiritual eyes · strengthen your position as a warrior · release the thunder of God against the devil · loose God's blessings · and more! With holy anger you can defeat the enemy's plans against you, your loved ones and your church. It is time to battle with all your heart.
ISBN: 9780800761967
Baker Book House
Product Code: 10076115
Dimensions: 114 x 165 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 176
Release Date: 15.06.2021
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