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Reformation Writings of Martin Luther Vol 2 PB

Reformation Writings of Martin Luther Vol 2 PB

Volume II - The Spirit of the Protestant Reformation



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A two-volume translation of the major texts produced by Luther in the critical years of the Reformation. Volume II: The Spirit of the Protestant Reformation In this second volume of the Reformation Writings of Martin Luther there are two focal points of interest – the dramatic event at Worms, 1521, as seen in contemporary accounts as well as mirrored in Luther's own writings, and Luther the pastor, at pains to build up simple folk in the Christian faith and life. Luther's immense Biblical understanding as shown in his Prefaces to the Psalms and the New Testament, and his exposition of the Church's worship contained in the Preface to the Lord's Supper and Order of Service, provide a luminous insight into Luther's mind and purpose. The volume is very aptly sub-titled The Spirit of the Reformation. As with Volume I, Bertram Lee-Woolf's translation brings to life the writer, his thoughts, and his times.
ISBN: 9780227171691
Lutterworth Press
Product Code: 10077481
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 19.09.2002
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