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The Lord's Prayer Bible Study

The Lord's Prayer Bible Study



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The Lord’s Prayer Bible study takes you through the seven petitions of one of Jesus’ most famous prayers. Enrich your prayer life with a deeper understanding of this model prayer that Jesus taught his closest disciples to pray. Whether you have repeated the Lord’s Prayer countless times in church or are new to this classic prayer, this Bible study will help you dive deeper into the rich theological and spiritual meaning behind each line. This study answers questions such as: What does it mean for God’s kingdom to come, and to ask for our daily bread? How do we “hallow” God’s name? How are we forgiven of our debts (trespasses)? With practical life application and thought-provoking discussion questions, you will discover more about God’s attributes and how to pray to our Father in heaven. Includes traditional and contemporary wording for The Lord’s Prayer.
ISBN: 9781628629668
Rose Publishing
Product Code: 10078384
Dimensions: 152 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 112
Release Date: 01.09.2021
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