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God is Still Moving CD

God is Still Moving CD



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A brand new collection of hopeful and honest songs written by Elim songwriters over the last 2 years, declaring that God is still moving. We pray these songs of praise, lament, honesty and hope provide a soundtrack for us all as we navigate this season of tension, trusting the One who holds it all, Christ Jesus. Recorded in homes and studios all across the UK, the album was produced by Ian Yates and mixed by Trevor Michael. ‘God is Still Moving’ contains a number of new voices, including a song that the team are really excited about; “Still Moving”. This song was birthed at our School Of Worship songwriting residential in 2019 by four students, Laura Rook, Anesu Mbanini, Laura Ham and Oluseyi Esan. “Many of us have struggled over the last year, many of us have lost friends and loved ones. We pray these songs provide a soundtrack for us all as we navigate this season of tension, trusting the One who holds it all, Christ Jesus.”


Products » Music » Praise and Worship
Producer: Elim Sound
ISBN: 5029385862299
Product Code: 10078449
UPC: ES0010
Binding: CD-Audio
Release Date: 01.05.2021


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