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Circles CD

Circles CD



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‘Circles’ marks the highly-anticipated sophomore release and Bethel Music label debut from Atlanta-based songwriter and artist, Dante Bowe. The 13-song collection represents reflections Dante penned as he spent time in 2020 learning and appreciating his own roots, honouring the people and the journey that have formed him. Like a patchwork quilt discovered at grandma’s house, this project tells a story; and Bowe artfully weaves his newfound perspective from looking back into every song. Set against an infectious mix of R&B, soul and gospel style, Bowe confides in and inspires listeners with thoughts on struggle, perseverance, and faith. Dante’s lyrics bring listeners in close and make space for real conversation, with the honesty and comfort one would feel from a close friend. ‘Circles’ celebrates that the potential of our story with God is limitless, and that our past is not something to fear, but to gain strength and courage from.


Products » Music » Praise and Worship
ISBN: 611851680046
Producer: Bethel Music
Product Code: 10078466
Binding: CD-Audio
Release Date: 16.04.2021


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