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John 1-3 Leader Kit

John 1-3 Leader Kit

The Word Became Flesh



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John 1–3 Leader Kit includes a Bible Study Book, and 3 DVDs with 27- to 35-minute video sessions. The videos include promotional material and teaching sessions featuring author Matt Chandler. The Kit also includes a code for access to digital video downloads and additional resources. Different from the other three gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry, the Gospel of John focused on the nature of Christ and how belief in Him leads to true life. Through the first three chapters of John we learn how we’re dependent upon God to help us believe in the name of Jesus and become His children and experience a well of abundant grace that never runs dry. To this day, Jesus continues to draw followers to Himself in the same ways He drew His first disciples. Jesus became like us so that we might become like Him.
ISBN: 9781087741734
Lifeway Christian Resources
Product Code: 10078656
Binding: Kit
Release Date: 01.06.2021
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