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A Teen Girl's Guide to Beating Worry and Anxiety



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Would you consider yourself a worrier? Do you ever get something you're worried about stuck in your head and you can't seem to get it out? Have you noticed that you get anxious around certain people or in certain situations? If the answer is yes to any of those questions, you're not alone. In fact, 1 in 3 girls your age struggles with worry. They just often don't say it out loud or even act like it. Maybe like you, they try to ignore it, hoping it will go away. Here's the thing. Your mom or dad or someone else who loves you has an idea that you struggle with worry. It's why they bought you this book. They believe in you--how brave you really are--and believe this book is just what you need in your fight with worry. Filled with questions to get you thinking and spots for you to journal or draw, Brave is your very own place to · understand your emotions better · learn ways to fight worry and anxiety that really make a difference · discover the strength and courage God has placed inside of you You've got more resourcefulness, more grit, and more brave inside of you than you think, and this book will help you find it. Also available from Sissy Goff! Raising Worry-Free Girls, a companion book that provides more in-depth information and strategies for parents and educators
ISBN: 9780764238390
Baker Book House
Product Code: 10078992
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 192
Release Date: 16.03.2021
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