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Every Leaf, Line, and Letter

Every Leaf, Line, and Letter

Evangelicals and the Bible from the 1730s to the Present



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"I was filled with a pining desire to see Christ's own words in the Bible. . . . I got along to the window where my Bible was and I opened it and . . . every leaf, line, and letter smiled in my face." —The Spiritual Travels of Nathan Cole, 1765 From its earliest days, Christians in the movement known as evangelicalism have had "a particular regard for the Bible," to borrow a phrase from David Bebbington, the historian who framed its most influential definition. But this "biblicism" has taken many different forms from the 1730s to the 2020s. How has the eternal Word of God been received across various races, age groups, genders, nations, and eras? This collection of historical studies focuses on evangelicals' defining uses—and abuses—of Scripture, from Great Britain to the Global South, from the high pulpit to the Sunday School classroom, from private devotions to public causes.


Products » BOOKS » Church » Church History
ISBN: 9780830841752
Producer: IVP USA
Product Code: 10079076
Dimensions: 152 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 328
Release Date: 07.06.2021
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