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Gospel of John - The Vault

Gospel of John - The Vault



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The Vault contains 100 copies of the 112 page “million dollar” Gospel of John. The world’s most valuable message packaged to appeal to the lost. This unique, conveniently sized Gospel of John uses a very eye-catching cover to stir curiosity. Designed after Ray Comfort’s best-selling gospel tract, with over 60 million in print, it’s a sure way to get the world’s attention. This creative approach makes it easy to share the gospel and conveys a message far more valuable than a mere one million dollars: how to find the riches of everlasting life. Includes a gospel presentation as well as "The Uniqueness of Jesus" - a 14-page summary of Jesus’ unprecedented words and unparalleled works. Ideal for personal witnessing, church outreach, and evangelism events.
ISBN: 9781610362689
Producer: Bridge Logos
Product Code: 10079413
Dimensions: 225 x 336 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 11200
Release Date: 01.10.2021
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