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Trusting God When Life Leaves You in Pieces



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When our world comes crashing down, it does more than steal our peace. Something inside us tears. We feel broken, stranded—torn. We naturally ask the question “Why?” when we’re hurting. But as pastor Jud Wilhite turned to the Bible in his own pain, he was surprised to discover that another question matters more: “Who?” Who is worthy of our trust when our trust when our lives are in pieces? You may be experiencing a time of such darkness that you wonder if you will ever find “normal” again or look toward the future with hope. In Torn, Jud explores your questions as well as God’s answers—and God’s mysteries. With a pastor’s heart, he looks with you at practical ways to fight for joy, deal with anger and depression, and make the million tiny decisions that add up to a life committed to God, even when your heart is broken. It’s not about having better arguments for the purpose behind our suffering. It’s about our relationship with God—a relationship that can flourish even when our whys go unanswered.
ISBN: 9781601420732
Producer: Multnomah UK
Product Code: 746690
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 16.08.2011
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