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Walking Toward the Dawn

Walking Toward the Dawn

Finding Certainty in Our Christian Experience



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The experience of assurance is an area of the Christian life that is troublesome for many. The author of this booklet is one who knows how difficult the struggle can be of finding certainty in one’s relationship to God in Jesus Christ. Walking Toward the Dawn is aimed at helping others come to a full assurance of the reality of their Christian faith and salvation. The author says: ‘For those who are not struggling with doubt, my hope is that this booklet may prove to be preventative medicine that will fortify them against future infection. For those who are wrestling with doubts, my prayer is that this booklet may guide them out of the gloom and into the dawn.’
ISBN: 9781800400269
Banner of Truth Trust
Product Code: 10080649
124 x 5 x 184 mm
Binding: Booklet
Number of pages: 40
Release Date: 25.06.2021
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