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Oliver's Secret

Oliver's Secret



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The day Clare moved in to her new house, the cat flap swung open and a big, black and white cat came walking through. The cat looked at Clare, and Clare looked at the cat. The cat seemed rather surprised to see her. It stood with one front paw lifted, and its tail curled like a question mark. It had fluffy fur, a tail like a feather duster, and white whiskers. It was very large, and Clare thought it was the most beautiful cat she had ever seen. The amazing thing was, she had just prayed for a cat! But surely it must belong to someone else?

“I absolutely love this book! I couldn't help but smile all the way through.” - Briony

“Oliver's Secret is a good book because it's a story all about a cat. It's also good because it's a mystery that you have to figure out. It's the right amount of drama and suspense at the right time. I would recommend it to all of my friends.” - Cerys


Products » Childrens Books » Fiction
ISBN: 9781912457434
Dernier Publishing
Product Code: 10081285
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 128
Release Date: 01.11.2021
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