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Reconciling Theology

Reconciling Theology

Conflict and Convergence in Theology and Church



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In "Conflict and Convergence in Theology and Church", leading thinker on Anglicanism and ecumenism Paul Avis focuses on the perennial Christian issues of argument, debate, polemic and conflict, on the one hand, and dialogue, search for common ground, working for agreement and harmony, on the other. Exploring the tension and interaction between them in a range of contexts in modern theology and the Church, Avis offers a rigorous but accessible vision of church which moves beyond the usual dichotomy of liberal or orthodox.
ISBN: 9780334061380
Producer: Scm Press
Product Code: 10081983
Dimensions: 135 x 216 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 256
Release Date: 31.03.2022
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