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Passion Translation The Book of Psalms

Passion Translation The Book of Psalms

Poetry on Fire



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The book of Psalms expresses every emotion of our hearts with words that convey our deepest and strongest feelings. Sighing becomes singing; trouble becomes triumph. Artfully placed inside poetry, the Psalms spill out a fiery, passionate heart but also offer comfort and joy, leading us to the place where worship flows. Whether discouraged or downcast, we can read the Psalms and renew our strength. Dark rain clouds of grief turn to bright rainbows of hope as we meditate on David's soul-subduing songs. They become a mirror to the heart of God's people in our quest to experience his presence. With the masterpiece of the book of Psalms, we become emotional, devoted worshipers. Its glorious expression of faith and worship touches our hearts.
ISBN: 9781424563401
Broadstreet Publishing
Product Code: 10082434
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 320
Release Date: 14.01.2022
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