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That Gentle Whisper

That Gentle Whisper

Learning to Recognise God's Voice in a Noisy World



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A thundering from the skies? Or an inner knowing, a quiet certainty? Perhaps a verse seems to jump out as we’re reading the Bible. Is it too much to secretly hope for an audible whisper? What is ‘God’s voice’ actually like? And can we hope to ‘hear’ him today? Yes, we can, argues Bill Cahusac, and not only in church. We can encounter him in the most ordinary circumstances – in a supermarket queue, a football match or walking on the downs. This beautiful book explores, in the simplest and most practical of ways, the question of how we can get to know and to recognize God’s voice, and his presence in the most humble and ordinary of circumstances.
ISBN: 9781914553011
Producer: Muddy Pearl
Product Code: 10082995
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 30.09.2021
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