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Prayer, Meditation, and Spiritual Trial

Prayer, Meditation, and Spiritual Trial

Luther's Account of Life in the Spirit


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Quite often, theology and spirituality are separated, pursued without reference to the other – a classic example of the disjunction between head and heart. But in Luther we find a profound theologian exhibiting a profound spirituality, one that still speaks to us today. Luther sets out three rules for doing proper theology: oratio, meditatio, tentatio—or prayer, meditation, and spiritual trial. These three rules, derived from David the psalmist, provide a way for readers to investigate more thoroughly what Luther says about the important practice of theology or life in the Spirit. But they also serve as a simple way for Christians to live a fuller spiritual life. The intention of this book is to help readers enter into the world of Luther—the Augustinian monk and Reformer who prays, meditates, and suffers spiritual trial within the community of faith that extends over the centuries. Ever the teacher and pastor himself, Gordon Isaac invites readers into the reality of living a "theology of the cross," which helps make sense of our present struggles in this world and shows us how we can live in the love of God as revealed through Jesus Christ.
ISBN: 9781683070184
Hendrickson Publishers
Product Code: 10084081
147 x 15 x 224 mm
Weight: 341.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 01.11.2017
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