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My Theology: The Audacity of Peace

My Theology: The Audacity of Peace



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In Give Peace a Chance, Scot McKnight sketches a peace ethic, or a peace witness, that embodies the embodied self-denial of Jesus to the point of the cross and through that cross is vindicated by God. As such, a peace ethic volitionally and communally participates in the cruciform pattern of the life of Jesus. Through the power of God’s grace and the indwelling Spirit of God the participant in the way of Jesus is transformed into a Christoform life. A peace ethic is a lived theology whose discerning witness transcends the specific principles and ideas of that theology.
ISBN: 9781913657642
Darton, Longman And Todd
Product Code: 10084481
Dimensions: 110 x 178 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 31.03.2022
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