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Recovering Our Sanity

Recovering Our Sanity

How the Fear of God Conquers the Fears that Divide Us



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Fear may not be what you think it is. Michael Horton guides readers in diagnosing the misplaced fears we have, showing how only the fear of God can conquer the false gods that we often take too seriously as if they had the last word over our lives. With 24-hour news cycles and constant immersion in a world of screens and social media, we are bombarded by news reports about layoffs, the dangers of climate change, and threats to our health. Exploited by politicians who crave our alliance, fear is used to breed hatred and further divide us from one another. In Recovering Our Sanity, author Michael Horton argues that we need to resist the pull of our fear-driven culture. He mines the riches of Scripture and theology to help us better understand what fear is and how a good fear--the fear of God--drives out the bad fears that often rule our lives. A proper fear of God enables us to overcome the unhealthy, uncertain, and unknown fears that drive the disintegration of our society, our families, and our own lives. The fear of God, running from Genesis to Revelation, must once again fill the horizon of our thoughts and imaginations. As Proverbs reminds us: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight." A right fear of the One who matters most leads to a lasting trust that bears a harvest of blessings for ourselves and for others.
Producer: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310127932
Product Code: 10084565
Dimensions: 139 x 213 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 320
Release Date: 31.03.2022
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