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Organizing For the Rest of Us

Organizing For the Rest of Us

100 Realistic Strategies to Keep Any House Under Control



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So you want to keep your kitchen counter clean but you aren't ready to toss the toaster? You want to be able to find your kids' socks but aren't looking to spend your 401(k) on clear bins? You long for a little more peace but minimalism isn't sparking joy? Decluttering expert and self-proclaimed recovering slob Dana K. White offers sustainable ideas to simplify and manage your home in Organizing for the Rest of Us. Traditional organizing advice never worked for Dana K. White. Is it possible, she wondered, to get organized without color coding my sock drawer? As Dana let go of the need for perfection, she discovered the joy of having an organized house in the midst of everyday life. In Organizing for the Rest of Us, Dana teaches us how to make great strides with minimal effort in organizing every room of our home. Here she offers 100 organizing tips to help us understand: Why changing how we think about clutter is the first step to getting rid of it The basics of organization for people who don't like to organize Why you need to get a grip on laundry and dishes before getting organized How living with less clutter is better for the environment, our spiritual lives, and our relationships Why real-life decluttering requires fewer hours and less emotional bandwidth than we imagined
ISBN: 9781400231430
Producer: Thomas Nelson
Product Code: 10084655
Dimensions: 127 x 178 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 224
Release Date: 17.02.2022
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