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Well Ordered, Living Well

Well Ordered, Living Well

A Field Guide to Presbyterian Church Government



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Why does church government matter? In this book, Guy Prentiss Waters offers a brief and accessible introduction to presbyterianism that shows how a well-ordered church fosters Christian lives lived well. In making the case that church government is critical to Christian discipleship, Waters presents an overview of the nature of the church (the body and its member) and its structures of authority (officers, assemblies, and ordination). He concludes by answering common questions people raise about church government. The book is an ideal resource for explaining the relevance of church government to the ordinary Christian’s life and service.
ISBN: 9781601789228
Reformation Heritage Books
Product Code: 10084802
Dimensions: 127 x 191 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 112
Release Date: 26.03.2022
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