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ESV Heirloom Bible, Heritage Edition

ESV Heirloom Bible, Heritage Edition



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Created with the highest-quality materials, the ESV Heirloom Bible, Heritage Edition is an elegant Bible printed and bound with superior craftsmanship by Royal Jongbloed in the Netherlands. This Bible features European Bible paper, an extra smooth sewn binding, art gilding, and multiple ribbon markers. Other features include a single-column layout, large font size, and line matching. Available in a beautiful, high-quality cover, it is packaged in an elegant presentation box. Manufactured with care and precision, the ESV Heirloom Bible, Heritage Edition is guaranteed to last a lifetime. Size: 5.5” x 8.25” 9.25-point Lexicon Black-letter text High-quality Bible paper Simple, straightforward layout with generous margins Single-column format Full-color maps 4 ribbon markers Art gilding Footnotes Line matching Smyth-sewn binding Lifetime guarantee
ISBN: 9781433577642
Producer: Crossway
Product Code: 10084849
Dimensions: 140 x 211 mm
Genuine Leather
Number of pages: 2056
Release Date: 15.11.2021
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