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Humbler Faith, Bigger God

Humbler Faith, Bigger God

Finding a Story to Live By



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Samuel Wells explores the key tenets of Christian belief by engaging with the most widely used arguments against religious faith - that it's a crutch for the deluded, a fairy tale for the simple minded, the cause of so many wars, a drug for the poor, powerless against suffering, one path among many, and so on. These are serious accusations against Christianity and Samuel takes them seriously, seeking to understand how and why they have taken hold, what part the church has had in making people so resistant to its message and what better stories it can tell in today's world. Each chapter sets out traditional expressions of Christian beliefs, engages with the arguments against them and then seeks to express those truths afresh as stories that can inform and shape our lives. A study guide for groups is also included.
ISBN: 9781786224187
Canterbury Press Norwich
Product Code: 10084956
Dimensions: 135 x 216 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 224
Release Date: 30.03.2022
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