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Bible Story Memory Games: New Testament

Bible Story Memory Games: New Testament



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Bible Story Memory Games: New Testament is a fun and interactive way to learn about some of the amazing events of the life of Jesus. Either enjoy finding these matching story cards or choosing the story cards that match the clues with 26 best-loved stories from the New Testament of the Bible. The cute multicolored illustrations of scenes and characters from the Bible will delight the boys and girls playing the game. This red box of edifying entertainment would be a great gift for any boy or girl. These fun games are compiled into a cardboard box illustrated in full color with a delightful scene of Jesus playfully embracing a group of children. Inside are instruction cards and playing cards in full color. Only the words “New Testament” appear on one side of the cards for the purpose of the game. On the other side, there is either a picture, character(s), and Scripture reference for the matching game, or a set of colorful New Testament clues for the guessing game.


Products » Gift Product » Children
ISBN: 9781432124175
Christian Art Gifts
Product Code: 10085149
General Merchandise
Release Date: 01.08.2017
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