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The Hidden Treasure in Suffering

The Hidden Treasure in Suffering

Shared from Personal Experience



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From the wealth of her personal experience Mother Basilea Schlink shares how we can find the treasure that lies hidden in every trial and hardship: Cares - Strained Relationships - Fear - Illness - Weariness - Loneliness - Inner Conflict - Personality Problems - Unanswered Prayers - Untalented - Growing Old - Want and Need - Fear of Death - Unfair Treatment - Facing Hatred and Slander. Mother Basilea shares that suffering is like a field with buried treasure. For hidden in suffering are true joy and bliss, divine life, waiting to be discovered by us.
ISBN: 9783872096579
Evangelical Sisterhood Of Mary
Product Code: 10085570
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 94
Release Date: 01.01.2009
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