A modern update on the ageless idea that girls should know appropriate and courteous responses to any situation. Good manners aren’t just a quaint and old-fashioned concept. They’re an essential aspect of every young lady’s path to adulthood and the skills she’ll need in whatever she chooses to do.
50 Things Every Young Lady Should Know is a young ladys guide to becoming the type of lady that people respect and enjoy. Without being overly preachy, this resourceful guide will help young women learn the basics of good conduct, respectful interaction, and thoughtful behavior.
Some of the manners and etiquette topics include: -how to build friendships -make and accept an apology -how to be a delightful dinner guest -how to appropriately use social media and engage in text conversations -responding to invitations and writing thank you notes -how to establish good boundaries -how to help others and be kind
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