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What Makes a Hero? Youth Study Book

What Makes a Hero? Youth Study Book

The Death-Defying Ministry of Jesus


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What Makes a Hero? offers us an image of what it looks like to be victorious over trials and temptations. Looking at pop culture heroes and others through the lens of faith, Matt Rawle shows how Jesus turned the concept of hero on its head. In keeping with his theme, "Pop in Culture," the book examines how good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, and overcoming adversity are fundamental to how Christians understand salvation. Heroes help us discern the good, fight for what's right, define identity, execute justice, spark revolution, and save lives.

Rawle enters the Gospel story to tell quite a different victory story--one obtained through humility, obedience to the cross, and an empty tomb. How does Jesus redefine what it means to be a hero?

This Youth Study Book takes the ideas presented in Matt Rawle's book and interprets them for young people grades 6-12.

Abingdon Press
ISBN: 9781501848032
Product Code: 10031491
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 19.12.2017


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