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What's up with the Fig Leaves?

What's up with the Fig Leaves?

The Principles and Purposes of Modesty Uncovered



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These days, modesty seems to be a floundering ship - and the more teaching we try to patch her up with, the faster she seems to sink. Passing on this virtue to the next generation can seem a hopeless cause. Instead of answering the questions we usually ask - typically about clothes! - What's Up with the Fig Leaves? points us towards the really important questions: the principles of modesty. Through investigating these foundations in the light of scripture, we obtain a sounder, firmer grasp of modesty that will not capsize, even in a world lurching from one sexual revolution to another.
ISBN: 9781781917725
Christian Focus Publications
Product Code: 10023230
Dimensions: 130 x 198 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 208
Release Date: 20.07.2016
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