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Balancing Work And Life

Balancing Work And Life



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Life is more like a marathon than a sprint. Here's how to stay well conditioned. Bill Butterworth will make you laugh-and learn while you're doing it! In the opening chapter of this powerful little book, Bill shares with you how, while running his rotund body in a nightmarish 440-yard dash, he learned a great lesson: Life is much more like a marathon than a sprint. The attitudes and actions that result in steady success over the long haul are what make for long-term satisfaction and achievement. To experience this for yourself, you need to understand how to deal with life's inevitable challenges: The 'Hazies'-losing sight of long-term goals.
ISBN: 9781578569649
Waterbrook Press
Product Code: 10001442
127 x 7 x 184 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 18.07.2006
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