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I Do Again

I Do Again

How We Found a Second Chance at Our Marriage - And you Can Too



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An attractive young couple, Jeff and Cheryl Scruggs seemed to have it all: professional success, adorable twin daughters, and a good marriage. But their picture-perfect image concealed a widening chasm between two people unable to connect on an intimate, soul-deep level. Ten disappointing years of marriage. Seven painful years of divorce. One remarkable, true-life story of a love rescued by God. After years of frustration, Cheryl's longing for emotional fulfillment led to an affair and, finally, a divorce that left Jeff utterly devastated and seething with anger. Yet, incredibly, seven years later, Jeff and Cheryl once again stood at the altar, promising to 'love, honor, and cherish' one another. A new and vibrant love had risen out of the ashes of this family's pain. 'I Do Again' reveals the hidden secrets that slowly destroyed this marriage and the spiritual awakening that opened the way to healing. A riveting account of the power of prayer and redemption, this remarkabl
ISBN: 9781400074457
Waterbrook Press
Product Code: 10005198
152 x 14 x 228 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 16.12.2008
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