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Angels In Our Midst

Angels In Our Midst

Encounters with Heavenly Messengers from the Bible



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Angels In Our Midst is a special Guideposts collection of true stories in which ordinary human beings have had rather extraordinary encounters with heavenly messengers. In the Bible there are angels to be read about from Genesis to Revelation, and you'll find many of them in the pages. You'll even meet angels who visit us today a learn a bit about the messages they have to convey. In this book you are invited to ponder the tales of ministering spirits who by their presence provide not just succor, but the reassuring evidence of a loving God who is forever watching over us. And when you finish it's likely you will have a new appreciation of phenomenon that heretofore you may have only sensed. This inspirational book of angels will cause you to look back over your life and recall certain inexplicable happenings that left you puzzled or in awe. It is then that you will understand some of the mystery and beauty of the events related in these stories. Gradually your understanding will deepen, so that you, too, may hear what the poet Betty Banner has heard as 'the swish of passing wings.' Angels In Our Midst was created by the editors of Guideposts Magazine, a monthly magazine filled with true stories of people's adventures in faith. Founded by the late Norman Vincent Peale, the magazine appeals to a wide spectrum of American believers and has a circulation of over four million readers.
ISBN: 9780385510875
Waterbrook Press
Product Code: 10004871
140 x 8 x 209 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 20.01.2004
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