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The Priesthood Of Some Believers

The Priesthood Of Some Believers

Development in the Christian Literature of the First Three Centuries



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The author examines the Christian literature of the first three centuries for evidence of the development both of the special priesthood of the ordained and the general priesthood of all believers. He demonstrates that the development of the special priesthood was closely linked to the emerging division between the clergy and the laity, and that these developments harmed the expression of the general priesthood. 'The Priesthood of Some Believers' is the only detailed and comprehensive study of the way the development of the special priesthood affected that of the general priesthood.
ISBN: 9781842270349
Paternoster (Print on Demand)
Product Code: 996184
111 x 19 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 01.11.2000
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