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The Spirit Contemporary Life

The Spirit Contemporary Life

Experiencing God's Miraculous Power in your Life Today



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How to have a relationship with God that is changing. Long before Leon Fontaine became a pastor, he was a first responder-EMT who wanted desperately to offer both medical and spiritual care and healing to the broken people he encountered. But how could he bring the miraculous, healing power of God from inside church walls to the roadsides outside where accident victims lay bleeding? As he administered medical aid Leon began to silently and naturally pray for God to intervene--and miracles began to occur! In time Leon came to describe this living out of simple faith as The Spirit Contemporay Life. Later as a pastor this approach to God and faith became the central theme of his ministry. Now, decades later, the 'Spirit contemporary' way of living, which promotes a supernatural connection with God that is both natural and relevant to every day life is practiced by people the world over. Perhaps the reason why so many today are disaffected with 'organized' religion is that too often Christian faith has become a mundane way of 'doing' life instead of 'being' in a vital, interactive relationship with a living God. In The Spirit Contemporay Life, the author draws on biblical truth and many personal experiences to reveal how a dynamic, first-century-type faith is possible for anyone in any setting--today.
ISBN: 9781601428691
Waterbrook Press
Product Code: 10002187
Dimensions: 153 x 229 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Release Date: 21.07.2016
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