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As Christians seek out their God-given purpose, it is natural to expect God to develop the skills and abilities given to believers that would allow them to go into the world and make an impact for the Kingdom. However, the focus is often spent on the vision God gave his Church rather than realizing God's main desire is to develop His children. If Christians want to change the world and 'bear fruit' that makes an impact on the world, they must first make roots that last. Using the life of David, Liebscher gives readers three areas to dig in to start building those lasting roots: prayer, service, and community. As the pastor of the megachurch and popular worship band Jesus Culture, Liebscher has seen this play out in a very real way in his own life, and he brings that knowledge and experience to his readers. - Publisher
ISBN: 9781601428400
Waterbrook Press
Product Code: 10003991
Dimensions: 132 x 203 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 03.06.2016
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