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The King And I Handbook

The King And I Handbook

Stories told by Jesus about God's kingdom



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Jesus is famous for being humble and gentle. He was poor. He never went more than 200 miles from his birthplace. And he died like a criminal. But amazingly he taught his followers that he is the king sent by God. Jesus told many stories to teach about Gods kingdom. They tell us what kind of king Jesus is and why we need to join Gods kingdom. In just four sessions, you can hear seven of these stories of Jesus. Find out why our world is full of trouble, how the message of Jesus can completely change your life, and whats the greatest treasure in the universe! Using a modern, easy-to-understand translation of the Bible, this straightforward guide and the accompanying DVD will help you understand who Jesus is, why he came, and the difference he can make for people today. BRAND NEW! To help with promoting your course, we now have posters and invitations available for you to download. See the 'Extras' section on the top left-hand side of the page.
Good Book Company
ISBN: 9781905564354
Product Code: 981040
152 x 3 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 48
Release Date: 01.12.2012
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