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New Daily Study Bible - The Letters to the Corinthians

New Daily Study Bible - The Letters to the Corinthians



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"˜The sun has one splendour and the moon another splendour and the stars another splendour' It was when he was in Ephesius in AD 55 that Paul, learning that things were not all well in Corinth, wrote to the church there. This was to be his call to one of the greatest and most cosmopolitan cities of the ancient world; a rebuke and an instruction and a call for unity within the Church. William Barclay guides the reader through these letters and the story they tell, showing how The Letters to the Corinthians, perhaps more than any of Paul's other writings, reveals the character of the man, his passion, humility, strength and zeal. These epistles are both a heartfelt appeal to the people of Corinth and a fierce defence of the Christian church.
ISBN: 9780715208984
Saint Andrews Press
Product Code: 963682
Dimensions: 127 x 187 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 15.01.2010
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