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Auld Testament Tales

Auld Testament Tales



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The fascination of a kaleidoscope attracts the attention of adult and child alike; individual pieces fall together to form an attractive pattern. The first part of the Bible, the Old Testament, is just such a kaleidoscope of word pictures - tales told and retold down through the centuries. The language can change, order can be rearranged, but the stories remain the same. From the startling colours of Joseph's coat to the poignancy of the story of Ruth, Jamie Stuart has Used the language of today to make the colour of each tale sparkle afresh. His kaleidoscope produces a picture that is fascinating and compelling.
ISBN: 9780715206911
Saint Andrews Press
Product Code: 965313
Dimensions: 133 x 203 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 29.03.2012
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