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The Longview

The Longview

Lasting Strategies for Rising Leaders



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Are you rushing to find quick fixes to complex problems?
Are you overwhelmed by pressure to produce immediate gains?
Are you aiming at nearsighted remedies instead of long-term solutions?
Become a leader who values transformation over turnaround-one who measures eternal outcomes as well as immediate effectiveness. This book shows you how. Consider it your personal guide to a leadership lifestyle of lasting significance. The Longview will revolutionize the way you lead.
"Now more than ever, leaders everywhere are realizing that short-term thinking doesn't work. The Longview by Dr. Roger Parrott is essential medicine for today's hurry-up, quick-fix lifestyle. Read this book, read it again, and apply its message to your life." -- Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and Lead Like Jesus
“Roger Parrott is indeed a leader who looks at things from a long-range perspective. I have had the privilege of knowing him and watching him lead for many years. Not only does he model good leadership, but he also seeks to help others lead well." -- Steve Douglass, president of Campus Crusade for Christ
"Roger Parrott has demonstrated over the years that true Christian leadership is a matter of integrity performed with excellence. When you live a life like that, you can't help but have followers! In his new book, The Longview: Lasting Strategies for Rising Leaders, he provides weathered advice to young men and women on leading with honesty and truthfulness. I highly recommend it!" -- Joni Eareckson Tada, JAF International Disability Center
“Leaders in the United States have needed to heed the message of this book for years. Roger Parrott explains how leaders can best serve their people and the organizations they lead. Leading others is like running a marathon, not a sprint, and Roger Parrott is a leadership marathoner par excellence! I highly recommend this book.” -- D. Michael Lindsay, author of Faith in the Halls of Power
ISBN: 9781434767493
Producer: David C. Cook
Product Code: 463375
Dimensions: 140 x 210 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 256
Release Date: 01.10.2009
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