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Simple Money

Simple Money

A No-Nonsense Guide to Personal Finance



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Personal finance is actually more  personal  than it is  finance . That's why what works great for someone else may not work as well for you. Money management is complex because  we  are complex. Therefore, it is in better understanding ourselves--our history with money and what we value most--that we are able to bring clarity to even the most confounding decisions in money and life. Tim Maurer has made a career out of demystifying complex financial concepts into understandable, doable actions. In this practical book, he shows you how to · find contentment by redefining "wealth" · establish your priorities, articulate your goals, and find your calling · design a personal budgeting system you can (almost) enjoy · create a simple, world-class investment portfolio that has beaten the pros · manage risk--with and without insurance · ditch the traditional concept of retirement and plan for financial independence · cheat death and build a legacy · and more.
ISBN: 9780801018862
Baker Book House
Product Code: 203445
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 144
Release Date: 03.02.2016
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