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Praise God Fall Bulletin (pack of 100)

Praise God Fall Bulletin (pack of 100)



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Celebrate a season of beauty with this fall-themed bulletin. The standard-size bulletin features a photo of a white church, its tall white steeple surrounded by trees with leaves ablaze in fall colors. Mountains extend to the sky in the background. Lyrics from the Doxology, taken from The United Methodist Hymnal (95) complement the image. They read: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
ISBN: 730817369334
Producer: Warner Press
Product Code: 10089172
UPC: AP2158
Dimensions: 216 x 279 mm
Binding: Bulletin
Release Date: 01.09.2022
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