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Do the Thing

Do the Thing

Gospel-Centered Goals, Gumption and Grace for the Go-Getter Girl



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What is your “thing”? Surely there’s a better way to view it than through a lens of striving and worldly achievement.

You may have a special cause, project, or talent you feel called to develop. Fear and lack of clarity often make it easier to avoid the “thing” than risk failing at it.

Rebecca George is an encouraging voice in your ear to say, “Let’s not waste another minute of the all-too-brief time we have on this side of eternity.” She shows you how to pursue your goal with grace and confidence.

Part guide, part manifesto, Do the Thing beckons you to pursue the passions that stir your soul.

On this journey, you will discover how to: • See your gifts and talents from a gospel-centered perspective • Prioritize goals related to your calling as you move forward with gumption and grace • Overcome negative thought patterns to work and create with the confidence of a go-getter girl

Today is the day to take a brave step in a purposeful direction, using God’s Word as your compass to do the thing He has designed for you to do.

ISBN: 9780830784356
Producer: Esther Press
Product Code: 10089217
Dimensions: 178 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 256
Release Date: 04.05.2023
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