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Still Small Voice

Still Small Voice

365 Meditations on the Words of Jesus



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The lord was not in the wind… the lord was not in the earthquake… the lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. 1 Kings 19:11-12 NKJV

How do you hear God’s voice? Very few of us experience him speaking audibly. More often we hear him in the quiet. In the stillness. In the moments we are searching for answers and taking the time to listen. But he also speaks to us through his Word.

This devotional takes you through the words of Jesus spoken when he walked the earth. As you quiet yourself and meditate on these Scriptures, devotions, and prayers, you will discover the many facets of his character. Experience his goodness, faithfulness, compassion, and perfect peace. Spend each day listening for his still, small voice. Let him guide you with his wisdom, encourage you with his love, and fill you with confidence as he speaks purpose over your life.

ISBN: 9781424565856
Broadstreet Publishing
Product Code: 10090317
Dimensions: 114 x 165 mm
Imitation Leather
Number of pages: 384
Release Date: 10.03.2023
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